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ADRC Minutes 06-26-14

June 26, 2014    5:45 p.m.

Members present: Sue Larsen, Terri Parrot, Charles Regulbuto, Dave Goslin
Staff present:  Michele R. Lipe, Town Planner

The meeting was called to order at 5:45 p.m.


  • Appl. 11-24P, Evergreen Walk LLC – Proposed changes to architectural elevations for the two apartment buildings in Town Square
Mr. Alan Lamson of FLB Architecture presented the latest architectural elevations for the apartment buildings at Town Square in Evergreen Walk. The floor plan areas are slightly smaller than originally proposed with 1,000 sq ft for two bedroom units and 700 sq ft for one bedroom units. The buildings will fit within the approved footprint.
Exterior brick with hearty plank materials using siding and shakes are proposed. The brick material will be red in color complemented by a darker shingle.

All mechanical units will be behind a railing within a well at the top of the buildings. Meters will be located behind a gated area used only for utilities.

Patios and/or decks will be on the buildings. Railing will be structural and made of black vinyl.  All windows will be vinyl.

All other aspects of the project are the same as previously proposed with the exception of the dumpster compacting area which will now be located on the southerly side of the building.

Questions arose from the Committee regarding mechanicals louvers. There will be no vents facing the front of the building.  

The Committee discussed the proposal.  They indicated that they were pleased the architecture and plans as presented and will forward a favorable recommendation.  

The meeting adjourned at 6:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted:

Michele R. Lipe, AICP
Town Planner